Fun Ideas for a Gender Reveal Cake!

How to plan a cute gender reveal party for your friends, families, and loved ones

When you’re pregnant, one of the number one questions people ask is, is it a boy or a girl?! People are so very curious to know what sex the baby is. Over the last couple of years, the gender reveal party has exploded in popularity, giving parents-to-be a fun way to tell everyone what the baby will be at birth.

People have come up with some very fun and unique ways to share the news. From balloons to chalk dust to cakes, there are so many fun ways to celebrate baby whether it’s a he or a she.

Of course, we’re partial to the cake option! Not only can the cake and cupcake designs be super cute, well, you also get to eat it! It’s a two-for-one if you ask us.

If you’re throwing a gender reveal party for yourself or a friend, here are our favorite ideas!

Have a potluck!

Celebrate all things pink and blue; invite friends and family to bring along their favorite colorful foods. For example, if they think it’s a boy your friend could make a dessert with blueberries! Not only is this delicious, but it’s also super fun to see what people guess before the big reveal.

Color-code outfits!

Inside of a potluck, you could ask guests to wear the color pink or blue depending on their guess. Add a photo backdrop and have some fun colored props for people to play with.

Play some games!

You’re going to want to build some tension before the reveal. A fun way to do this is to play some games.

One fun game is “Don’t Say Baby.” When everyone arrives, hand them one clothespin to pin on their clothes. Challenge them not to say the word baby. If you hear someone say the word baby, you get to steal their clothespin. Whoever steals the most wins!

You can also have guests decorate white onesies or bibs with fabric pens during downtime. Have a prize ready for your favorite design!

Reveal the sex!

You’ve mixed and mingled, you’ve played some games, and you ate some food. Now it’s time to do what everyone came to do! Find out the sex of the new baby! Whether you’re cutting a cake, releasing some balloons, or throwing some chalk dust, we’re sure no matter what the sex is, all of your guests are going to be thrilled and happy for the new parents. Congratulations!

Some of our favorite gender reveal cakes we’ve done!

It’s a …

Gender reveal cake with words It's a ...

We’re Just Here for the Sex!

Gender reveal cake with words I'm here for the sex!

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star How We Wonder What You Are!

Gender reveal cake with words Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I Wonder What You Are

Throwing your gender reveal party? Contact Sara’s Sweets and let us know what you’d like your cake to say!
